Acne Face Map: Is this for Real?

I experience recurring acne on my chin. It made me wonder why that particle pimple would love growing on that site. The researcher as I am, I checked for answers online and quickly found one. I am simply posting this and it is not my idea. I am still struggling with my health, but I guess my girlfriends would love reading this acne face map article of Melina. I do hope you enjoy and learn from it.


Recurring Acne: Understand the Value of Acne Face Map

“It’s normal for everyone to once in a while have breakouts around her/his face. But if this situation continues and it just won't go away, maybe it's time for you to get introduced to “Mien Shiang” which is called face mapping/reading. This is an old Chinese method to find out what's wrong with your body or what you are lacking nutritionally which is leading your face to break out.

Forehead – Internal symptoms = liver & gallbladder. This can mean that you are eating foods that are too greasy or that you have been drinking too much alcohol. Lay off the greasy and pasteurized foods and start detoxing your body by drinking lemon water every day. One lemon squeezed in a glass of water will do.

Third Eye – Internal symptoms = liver & stomach. This usually means your body has been building up toxic. You should start drinking my beautifying green smoothie. You can find my recipe from here: This will detox your liver and keep your stomach healthy.

Brow Temples – Internal symptoms = kidneys. You might be straining your kidney. You should drink a lot of water, to cleanse your liver and eat more greens. This you can do is by drinking my green smoothie.

Under Eye Area – Internal symptoms = stomach, kidneys & liver. If you seem to be having a constant problem with dark circles under your eyes or puffiness, you should stop eating a lot of bananas daily and limit it to 1. Also, drink tea that detoxifies your internal system.

Bridge of Nose – Internal symptoms: heart. Check into eating more nuts, seeds, fruits & vegetables that have good fats in them. Omega 3 & 6!

Upper Cheeks – Internal symptoms: heart. This is the bridge of the nose. Eat your omega 3 & 6.

Mid Cheeks – Internal symptoms: stomach & lungs. This might mean you are having possible allergies to foods, such as wheat and dairy. Cut it out completely from your diet. Humans don’t need to eat dairy or wheat. Add more green veggies.

Mouth Area – Internal symptoms: stomach & intestines. Once again your body has been building up too much toxic. This may have been affected by food allergies. You need to cleanse, detox, and alkaline your body.

Lower Cheeks – Internal symptoms: liver & stomach. This again means your body is toxic. This means you need to detoxify your body and make it more alkaline.

Jaw Line – Internal symptoms: colon & ovaries. This can be triggered by stress and hormonal changes. Whilst on your period, drink a lot of green smoothies; keep yourself extremely hydrated.

Lymph Nodes – Mental symptoms: stress. Internal symptoms: bacteria. If your body has been invaded by bacteria, this is a sign your lymph nodes will give, which means they are trying to get rid of the invasion. Do yoga and meditate.”

As I have mentioned, this acne face map article is not my idea. I just wish to share it with everyone for additional knowledge. However, if you find it useful, please care to share some of your points about this matter. Thanks!


  1. Wow.. this acne face map is pretty awesome. Learned a lot from this simple post.. Acne always appear on my mouth area.. Have to check my health issues by this time. - a cool way to improve

  2. Gee! Thanks for the kind reply. Yep, this is a pretty awesome find indeed.

  3. by the way Rusty, mine commonly appears on my cheeks. Right now, another one has appeared... hays..

  4. Face Mapping is a type of chinese medicine used today to around the world that explains how and why certain parts of your face that have acne are actually connected to other parts of your body. Have you ever wondered if your acne was trying to tell you something? With an acne face map you have the ability to find the root of the issue and along with topical treatments and cleansers combat the acne problem at home. Acne Face Maps are the new thing in most spas and dermatology offices across the country

  5. Thanks Mike Walden Program. I never thought that this post would receive this much attention. But, I dearly believe that acne face mapping is true. :)


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