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Acne Face Map: Is this for Real?

I experience recurring acne on my chin. It made me wonder why that particle pimple would love growing on that site. The researcher as I am, I checked for answers online and quickly found one. I am simply posting this and it is not my idea. I am still struggling with my health, but I guess my girlfriends would love reading this acne face map article of Melina . I do hope you enjoy and learn from it. Source: HEALTHLINE Recurring Acne: Understand the Value of Acne Face Map “It’s normal for everyone to once in a while have breakouts around her/his face. But if this situation continues and it just won't go away, maybe it's time for you to get introduced to “Mien Shiang” which is called face mapping/reading. This is an old Chinese method to find out what's wrong with your body or what you are lacking nutritionally which is leading your face to break out. Forehead – Internal symptoms = liver & gallbladder. This can mean that you are eating foods that are too g...

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